Self-Load Concrete Mixer Care and Maintenance Tips

The self-load concrete mixer is the workhorse of the construction industry. It’s a heavy machine that produces a lot of power and gets mixed loads delivered quickly to job sites. Whether you own a small or large construction business, you need to know how to properly care for your equipment in order to get the most out of it and ensure that it will last many years into the future. Here are some tips on how to maintain your self-load concrete mixer:

Regular Inspection

An inspection of the self-load concrete mixer(hormigonera autocargable) should be done on a daily basis. This will ensure that all parts are in proper working condition and that you’d be able to potential problems before they lead to more significant issues down the road. Start by checking for any loose nuts, bolts, or screws, as these may result in damage if not fixed immediately. Additionally, inspect bearings and gears for any signs of wear and tear. You should also check your cement mixer for any leaks and fluid levels as the machine is running.

Any damage that is found should be reported to a supervisor or shop foreman immediately so they can schedule repairs as needed.

Maintenance Schedule

The maintenance schedule will vary depending on the type of concrete mixer you have, the number of hours it’s been in use since its last servicing and other factors. The best approach is to have a company technician(técnico de empresa) check it out at least once a year, but this should be done at the very minimum every three months if you work with concrete on a daily basis.

Self Load Concrete Mixer Truck
Self Load Concrete Mixer Truck

Preventative Maintenance Tips

There are several ways that you can take preventative measures to extend the life of your self-load concrete mixer and keep it working in optimal condition. You should always make sure that you have a garden hose available so you can flush out the machine’s piping after each use to get rid of any excess cement, debris, or other materials from inside. Additionally, rinse out all compartments with warm water at least once per week, if not more frequently.

The dry cement can harden and create blockages in important areas if a self-load concrete mixer isn’t rinsed out after every use. This will lead to overheating, which is incredibly dangerous for an already powerful machine: In addition, you should always use fresh water when operating your mixer so it never gets mixed with salt water or other types of contaminants that can cause damage to the engine.

Self Load Concrete Mixer Of AIMIX Group
Self Load Concrete Mixer Of AIMIX Group

Self-loading concrete mixers help speed up the building process and decrease production costs. If you require a new mixer for your construction business, do your research and invest in a quality machine that will last you for years into the future.

By taking proper care of your self-load concrete mixer, you’ll be able to get many years’ worth of use out of it and avoid costly repairs down the road. While parts may need replacing over time due to wear and tear or other problems with its assembly, these issues are much easier to deal with eventually.
